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Costa Rica opens an alleged fraud case against Huawei's Chinese company

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Published on Thursday, December 12, 2024
By the A.M. Costa Rica staff

President Rodrigo Chaves-Robles said Wednesday at a news conference at the Casa Presidencial in San José that the government has initiated a fraud criminal prosecution against the Chinese company Huawei and several Institute of Electricity (ICE) executives.

According to Chaves, the ICE and the Ministry of Technology filed the complaint before the Public Ministry's Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office.

The accusation for alleged issues in agreements with the ICE is against Huawei corporation and its Costa Rican representative, a male surnamed Peng.

The legal action was also filed against Ana Sofia Machuca-Flores, the ICE's current Auditor General, for allegedly neglecting responsibility and fraud against the Public Treasury.

The complaint also charges two ICE executives, Suramed Quesada and Abarca, for allegedly fraud against the Public Treasury.

Machuca-Flores delivered a press statement rejecting the offenses charged against her by the government.

According to Machuca, she has always prioritized legality, ethics, probity, and integrity in her public responsibilities.

"I wasn't involved in the administration's decision-making in agreement procedures with any firm, thus there is no link between my responsibilities and the alleged fraud against the Public Treasury," she said.

Huawei is one of ICE's telecommunications network equipment providers, and it is actively competing in the country's 5G network development tender.

The Chinese business participates in this deal even though it does not match Costa Rica's standards for ratifying the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime.

The convention is the first worldwide agreement to handle Internet and cybercrime by unified international laws, strengthening investigation methods, and encouraging collaboration among the 68 countries that joined it.

Huawei Technologies Co. is a Chinese state-owned multinational conglomerate technology business founded in 1987 by Ren Zhengfei, a former officer in the People's Liberation Army (PLA), the military arm of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the People's Republic of China Party (PRC).

The Institute of Electricity (ICE) is the state-owned electrical power and telecommunications services provider in the country.

What have you heard about legal actions against Huawei in your country? We would like to know your thoughts on this story. Send your comments to


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