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Wild Costa Rica

- Photo via Poás Volcano National Park -

Costa Rica's active volcano park reopens to visitors

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Published on Monday, April 15, 2024
By the A.M. Costa Rica staff


The Poás Volcano National Park in Alajuela Province is open again to tourists, announced the National System of Conservation Areas (Sinac).

According to Sinac, the official agency in charge of preserving Costa Rica's national parks and wildlife reserves, the volcano's gas and ash emissions have returned to normal levels, and eruptions have lessened due to the lack of humidity.

However, experts' ongoing monitoring of volcano activity will be maintained as a preventive measure for tourists and park rangers to ensure security against another possible high eruption.

Also, the Volcanological and Seismological Observatory of Costa Rica (Ovsicori) reported that there were no volcanic violent eruptions on Sunday.

Last week, the National Emergency Commission (CNE) ordered the park closed due to continuous eruptions. The goal of the strategy allowed scientists to monitor the acceleration of eruptions while preventing injury to tourists.

In the case of tourists,  who purchased an entry ticket for one of the park's closed days, may request a refund or reschedule their visit.

Those affected may submit an email to To reschedule the trip, customers must provide the preferred date and time to access the park.

If the visitors want a refund for the cost of the ticket, they must send the request to the same email address, including a copy of the ID, a copy of the ticket, a copy of the bill or proof of payment, and the bank account number where they want to receive the refund.

Sinac has set up a Spanish-language hotline (506) 2522-6500 to solve tourist inquiries.

The Poás Volcano Park online ticketing system is not only convenient for visitors but also cost-effective, with tickets priced between $20 and $30.

The system is easy to use, and a tutorial video is available on the Sinac YouTube Channel for those who need assistance in purchasing tickets.

The volcano's national park covers an area of approximately 16,000 acres. Its summit is 8,900 ft. Depending on conditions, visitors can walk to the edge of the main crater.

The main crater is 950 feet wide and highly active, with regular minor geyser and lava outbursts. There are two additional craters: Von Frantzius and Botos. 

The Botos Crater is a popular tourist attraction since it is a covered freezing green lake with a diameter of 1,200 feet.

The park protects a diverse range of natural plant and animal species, including various bird species such as the clay-colored robin, dazzling quetzal, hummingbirds, tanagers, flycatchers, and toucans. The park's mammals include coyotes, rabbits, and marmots among others.



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