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Wild Costa Rica

Migrants wait to reach England from a migrant settlement in Calais, northern France.

- Photo via UN High Commissioner for Human Rights -

President Chaves denies Costa Rica-UK deal on African refugees

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Published on Tuesday, April 16, 2024
By the A.M. Costa Rica staff and wire services

In response to The Times journal' issue story, President Rodrigo Chaves-Robles stated that Costa Rica has no arrangement to offer asylum to African immigrants, who are seeking protection in the United Kingdom.

Chaves stated that the country has its migration issues comparable to those faced by the United Kingdom consequently "Costa Rica will not accept any overseas immigrants."

This week, the British daily national newspaper, released a piece indicating that the United Kingdom government considered Costa Rica a shelter destination for African immigrants.

According to the British newspaper, leaked documents reveal the government's search for more countries to strike Rwanda-style deals with.

Britain is targeting four more countries to replicate the Rwanda migrant deportation scheme. "The UK has entered talks with Armenia, Ivory Coast, Costa Rica and Botswana for what the Government describes as a “third-country asylum processing deal”, reads the report.

Several South American countries including Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Brazil and Colombia have also been approached but were viewed as less likely to be interested.

African nations including Cape Verde, Senegal, Tanzania, Togo, Angola and Sierra Leone were put on a reserve list that would be approached if other targets failed.

Others including Morocco, Tunisia, Namibia and The Gambia “explicitly declined” to enter technical discussions.

The polemic report comes as the British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of the Conservative Party is braced for a fresh round of parliamentary wrangling over the immigration plan known as Rwanda Bill to get the project off the ground after the Supreme Court ruled against it.

According to the British Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the "UK and Rwanda Migration and Economic Development Partnership" (also known as the Rwanda asylum plan) is an immigration policy that was first proposed by the British government in April 2022, under which people identified as illegal immigrants or asylum seekers in the UK would be relocated to Rwanda for processing, asylum, and resettlement. Those who were successful in their asylum claims would have remained in Rwanda and would not have been allowed to return to the United Kingdom.

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