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Wild Costa Rica

Photo via Road Safety Council (Cosevi).

Over 500 traffic deaths in Costa Rica

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Published on Thursday, January 9, 2025
By the A.M. Costa Rica staff

Costa Rica recorded 505 traffic-related deaths in 2024, according to the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (MOPT).

The figure reflects a decrease of 12 fatalities compared to 517 deaths reported in 2023.

Of the total fatalities, 271 victims (53%) were motorcyclists, 68 (13%) were drivers, 47 (9%) were cyclists, and the remainder were passengers, pedestrians, or individuals operating other types of vehicles.

Speeding was the leading cause of road accidents, resulting in 175 deaths (33%). Driving against traffic or crossing a designated line caused 133 fatalities (25%) and reckless driving accounted for 65 deaths or about 12%, among other.


Authorities encourage the public to report suspected reckless driving by calling the 911 emergency line.

Traffic fines were reduced this year after the Court Superior Council approved adjustments based on the Consumer Price Index.

Also, police reinstated driving restrictions based on license plate numbers in San José City following a temporary suspension during the end-of-year holidays.

This week, the Traffic Police have resumed in-person services following the holiday season allowing vehicle owners to file claims regarding licenses, plates, or fines.

The Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (MOPT) is a government agency responsible for planning and managing roads, airports, and maritime ports. It also oversees public transportation regulations.


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