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Costa Rica's luxury house tax deadline approaches

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Published on Tuesday, January 14, 2025
By the A.M. Costa Rica staff

The deadline to pay the "D-179  Impuesto Solidario para el Fortalecimiento de Programas de Vivienda," or  Solidarity Tax for the Strengthening of Housing Programs, commonly known as the luxury house tax, is Jan. 15, 2025.

According to the Ministry of Finance, the tax applies to properties valued at more than ₡145 million colones, approximately $290,000. Payments made after Jan. 15,  will incur additional fees.

The tax is levied on the value of residential real estate, whether used regularly, occasionally, or for recreational purposes. It also applies to properties under construction, as well as fixed and permanent installations.

Property owners are required to file an affidavit every three years to declare the updated fiscal value of their real estate. If the declared value exceeds the previously recorded value, it automatically updates the tax base for the fiscal period in which it is declared, the ministry said.

For properties with multiple co-owners, the declaration must be made jointly. Owners of two or more adjoining or overlapping properties must combine them into a single declaration for tax purposes.

In condominium arrangements, each unit owner’s declaration must include their proportional share of the common areas’ value.

When a property changes ownership, the new owner becomes jointly responsible for the tax payment due for the fiscal period in effect at the time of acquisition, including any applicable interest, under current regulations.

The Tax Administration Department calculates the amount owed based on a table with ranges corresponding to property values.

Those who fail to pay by the deadline will face fines determined by the amount of the tax.

Property owners can inquire about the tax amount by calling the Ministry’s Spanish-language hotline at +506 2539-4777.

The Ministry of Finance is the government agency responsible for regulating fiscal policy and managing public resources, guided by principles of economic efficiency and effectiveness.

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