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Wild Costa Rica

Photo via Red Cross.

Costa Rica cancels classes due to weather alert

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Published on Monday, November 11, 2024
By the A.M. Costa Rica staff

The Ministry of Public Education announced the cancellation of all public school and high school classes on Monday, Nov. 11 and Tuesday, Nov. 12, following the severe downpour warning alert announced on Sunday.

The National Emergency Commission issued an Orange Level Alert for practically the whole country over a Weather Trough formation crossing the Central American Caribbean Coast.

The ministry's measure aims to protect children, teachers, and administrative professionals from any weather-related risks.

Authorities have announced that they will continue to monitor weather alerts, so further information on whether or not there will be more days of class cancellations is expected in the following hours.

Further, the University of Costa Rica and National University, both headquartered in San José, announced the cancellation of all classes on Monday. The safety precautions apply to all of its buildings, including all of the country's academic campuses.

The directive aims to keep students, professors, and administrative personnel safe, following the weather orange alert.

The Ministry of Public Education (MEP) is the government agency in charge of overseeing the public education system, implementing plans, programs, and other actions to provide basic, public, and free general education.


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