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Wild Costa Rica

Photo via Ministry of Public Works and Transportation.

Costa Rica’s Route 27 contraflow schedule on Sundays

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Published on Saturday, January 11, 2025
By the A.M. Costa Rica staff

The Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (MOPT) has announced contraflow lane reversals on Route 27 for three Sundays this month, Jan. 12, 19, and 26, to manage heavy traffic caused by New Year vacation travel.

Route 27 is one of Costa Rica’s busiest highways, connecting the capital region with the Pacific provinces of Puntarenas and Guanacaste.

The lane reversals aim to ease congestion and improve traffic flow for drivers returning to San José after weekend trips to the coast.

The contraflow system, or tidal flow, will be implemented between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m., allowing all available lanes between the Pozon Canton toll station in Alajuela Province and the Ciudad Colón toll station in San José Province to flow toward the capital.

Highway closures will begin one hour before and end one hour after the contraflow schedule, running from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m.

The maximum speed permitted during the contraflow will be 37 mph.


Drivers traveling westbound, from San José to the Pacific Coast, during the contraflow hours must use one of three alternate routes:

  • Route 3: Through the Alajuela Province cantons of Atenas and Orotina, connecting back to Route 27 in Puntarenas Province.

Authorities urge drivers to factor in the contraflow schedule when planning their trips and to drive with caution.

For real-time updates on route conditions or to request assistance, travelers can contact the traffic police control center at 2588-4040.

Officials reported that Costa Rica recorded 505 traffic-related deaths in 2024.

Traffic fines were reduced this year after the Court Superior Council approved adjustments based on the Consumer Price Index.

Also, police reinstated driving restrictions based on license plate numbers in San José City following a temporary suspension during the end-of-year holidays.

Additionally, the Traffic Police have resumed in-person services following the holiday season allowing vehicle owners to file claims regarding licenses, plates, or fines.

The Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (MOPT) is a government agency responsible for planning and managing roads, airports, and maritime ports. It also oversees public transportation regulations.


What have you heard about expats having trouble traveling Route 27 on lane reversal days?  We would like to know your thoughts on this story. Send your comments to

