Published Thursday, January 10, 2019 Third news page
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Uruguay and Costa Rica, among the world’s most complete democracies, said The Economist

By A.M. Costa Rica staff

A study by The Economist found that only twenty countries in the world have democracies with full guarantees, representing only 4.5 percent of the world's population.

The British magazine The Economist, which each year produces an index on the level of democracy in different countries has, for 2018, placed Uruguay and Costa Rica among the twenty world states with fuller democracies.

The study, said the magazine, is carried out annually in 167 countries taking into account factors such as participation, civil liberties and democracies.

Uruguay obtained 8.38 points out of 10, which means that it occupies the fifteenth position and is Latin America’s most advanced full democracy.

Costa Rica, with 8.07 points, it is placed as number twenty, closing out the group of states with the greatest democratic guarantees in the world.

To compile this list, analysts from the magazine take into account various issues grouped into five categories: electoral processes and pluralism, the functioning of the government, political participation, democratic political culture and civil liberties.

Norway, Iceland and Sweden lead the ranking with respective scores of 9.87, 9.58 and 9.39 points. The European group also includes Germany with 9.22, the United Kingdom with 8.53, and Spain with 8.08.

Chile stands out with 7.97, followed by the United States (7.96), France (7.80) and Italy (7.71), Trinidad and Tobago (7, 16), Panama (7.05) and Mexico (6.19).

Regarding the South American countries, Venezuela obtained position 134 with a 3.16, the same score as Zimbabwe. Bolivia, on the other hand, obtained 5.70 while Peru reached 6.60. Colombia reached 6.96, slightly surpassed by Brazil with 6.97, while Argentina achieved 7.02 points.

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Democracy Index 2018 can be reach here.

Cuba achieved 3.00 within the group of "authoritarian" countries, which also includes China (3.32), Afghanistan (2.97), Russia (2.94), United Arab Emirates (2.76), Iran (2.45), Yemen (1.95) and Saudi Arabia (1.93). The list in this category is closed by North Korea with a low of 1.08, and Syria (1.43) and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (1.49).

One of the conclusions of the study is that, in 2018, the level of democracy on the entire planet has stopped falling and there has only been a decline in 42 countries, while in 2017, 89 countries experienced a decline.

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